C-xbox Tool

Category: Main Games Game Tools C-Xbox Tool 2.0.x. Submit Screenshot. Version 2.0. New logo for the tool created by 'Can-Polat' from Beceriksizler Board. Bugfix 'range check error' while creating multigame iso's. It’s simple, download C-Xbox Tool from GBAtemp. Place it wherever you want and boot it up. Next, once booted, you’ll see a screen like the one below: Click on Add, choose the ISO you want to extract, and where you want it to be extracted, and hit Start. Wait for it to finish, and head on to the folder where you extracted the ISO. Also c-xbox tool v2.0.07 allows you to explore the iso. It is similar to qwik but a few more features. They both allow you to recreate the iso from the folder.

C-XBox Tool is one of the most All in One tool for XBox. It offers a lot of easy to use features like creating or extracting ISO's, Multigame wizards, File transferring and more.
C-Xbox Tool is the first tool which can handle your ISO-images 'on the fly'. What means that it doesn't open the images before executing special handlings like creating multigame images.
You can create your multigames two times faster than other tools because C-Xbox tool skips some handlings, like opening the image which should be deleted later, and needs less storage space to handle your requests.
C-XBox Tool can send your files to your box using 'Boost mode' to extra speeding up your file transfers.
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Edited by Fatal Error, 25 January 2009 - 01:12 PM.