Clinical Psychological Assessment Report Sample

  • A psychological assessment report is a document that thoroughly surveys the psychology of an individual or a community and prepares a report for the corresponding findings. The report should be transparent enough for any individual to go through it and understand the factors and the respective particulars, with proper understanding of the.
  • The following psychological assessment report is intended as a communication between professionals. This report includes sensitive information that is likely to be misinterpreted by those without the necessary training. Authorization for use of this report is limited to the examinee and their designated consultants.
  1. Clinical Assessment Example
  2. Clinical Psychological Assessment Report Sample
  3. Clinical Psychological Assessment Report Sample Template

A psychological assessment report is a document that thoroughly surveys the psychology of an individual or a community and prepares a report for the corresponding findings. The report should be transparent enough for any individual to go through it and understand the factors and the respective particulars, with proper understanding of the jargons as well that need to be explained along with the report details. Thus, it is very much essential for the report to be accurate such that it does not lead to any incorrect decision.


History and clinical interview. Psychological testing was requested to assist with intervention and treatment planning. The referral requested that John be assessed for intellectual functioning, cognitive processing of information and social functioning. Assessment Methods: Clinical Interview with John Sample Clinical Interview with Mrs. Report Date: 10-03-06 Sample Diagnostic Assessment Referral Source: Jill was referred by her father, Jack Sprat. Client/Family/Referral Source statement of need and treatment expectations: Mr. Sprat is concerned about Jill’s recent suicidal ideation. His expectations for treatment are that Jill will not try to kill herself, will become more.

Psychological assessment examples

Sample Psychology Assessment Report:

Name of patient: Jimmy Robert Peterson

Clinical Assessment Example

Age: 48 years Gender: Male

Profession: Management Officer

J.M Group of Companies, New York

Clinical Psychological Assessment Report Sample

Need for psychology assessment:

  • The individual being assessed, Mr. Jimmy, has recently developed a very hot temper towards co-workers and others in the work area.
  • He has also been found to be irresponsible and often late to work.
  • After work, his family complains of the sudden development of similar traits.
  • He is also being suspected of saving less and spending money frivolously.

Clinical Psychological Assessment Report Sample Template

Psychology Assessment Report:

Sl. No.Parameters of psychology assessmentAssessment findings and descriptionRemarks and suggestions
1.Case History of patientMr. Jimmy was a completely normal child. Mentally and psychologically, he was fit and has never had any such instances of sudden change in behaviour.


2.Employee work conditionsThe work conditions for employees at J.M Group of Companies has always been favourable, except for the fact that it has recently signed a number of contracts and the deadlines are quite back to back, thereby putting a pressure on employees and workers.


The work load needs to be lessened to ensure psychological development of the concerned employee, who happens to be the patient being assessed.

3.Medical conditions
  • Blood Pressure: High
  • Heart and lung conditions: Normal
  • Renal functions: Normal
  • Eyes: Slightly glaucomatic [under treatment]


Mr. Jimmy should strictly follow medical advises

4.Family environmentMr. Jimmy’s is a healthy family of his wife and two kids. Mrs. Jimmy is also an earning member and shares responsibilities equally. The kids are perfect.


Mr. Jimmy requires the support of his family members, who need to be patient with him at this time.